Steps in the right direction
Work on the new steps at the entrance to the Cathedral is going ahead fast. Here's a view of the work from above. Many thanks to Simon Lloyd (Acting Precentor, last year's organ scholar) for this shot and earlier pictures of the interior scaffolding. I'm not quite sure how he got up there. In truth, I don't think I want to know.
The work is being done before our eyes and already the steps are looking very fine. But the Cathedral's Appeal for funding to pay for everything is as urgent as ever...
A great many specialist services are required to make this radical modification to the exterior.
The work which fulfills the legal requirement for wheelchair access has taken years in the planning. One day, we'll ask Fr Mark how many meetings he attended over recent years before the final plans were given the go-ahead. Everyone from Westminster City Council and the Victorian Society to the Local Residents Association will have had strong views.
A high level of craftsmanship is required of the stonemasons. One of them told me the new steps are made of Cornish granite. The same stone exactly as the Cathedral's High Altar.