Tuesday 23 October 2007

Laying the Foundations I

The foundations of the Cathedral in 1895. To the right, the familiar mansion blocks of Ashley Gardens are already in place. Ahead, the buildings that flank the south side of Victoria Street, and that were to face the west door of the Cathedral. One of them was to house Burns and Oates, the Catholic publishing house. They were demolished in the 1970s, when the Cathedral piazza was built.

The foundations of Westminster Cathedral utilised those of the Westminster Poorhouse (or 'Bridewell'), demolished in 1884.


Anonymous said...

"The foundations of Westminster Cathedral utilised those of the Westminster Poorhouse (or 'Bridewell'), demolished in 1884."

Delightfully fitting.

John the organist said...

But perhaps a concern as that makes them pretty old to support such a massive structure?