The New Administrator
This weekend I am stepping down as Administrator, to take sabbatical leave before starting in a new post later in the year. I will remain at the Cathedral until July, and will continue the blog until then.
I am delighted to announce that the new Administrator of Westminster Cathedral is Fr Christopher Tuckwell and the new sub-Administrator will be Fr Slawomir Witon. Fr Christopher and Fr Slawomir are both well known to Cathedral parishioners, and will bring a wealth of talent, enthusiasm and vision to this great House of God. These appointments take place with immediate effect. I do ask, especially, that you will keep Fr Christopher in your prayers at this time.
I am delighted to announce that the new Administrator of Westminster Cathedral is Fr Christopher Tuckwell and the new sub-Administrator will be Fr Slawomir Witon. Fr Christopher and Fr Slawomir are both well known to Cathedral parishioners, and will bring a wealth of talent, enthusiasm and vision to this great House of God. These appointments take place with immediate effect. I do ask, especially, that you will keep Fr Christopher in your prayers at this time.
It is perhaps fitting on this the occasion to offer a gallery of all the Cathedral Administrators. I believe that this is the first occasion such a collection has been complied - surprisingly, some of the Administrators make little appearance in the archives.

Mgr George Tomlinson 1964 - 1967
Mgr Francis Bartlett 1967 - 1977
Mgr Oliver Kelly 1977 - 1990
Mgr Patrick O'Donoghue 1990 - 1993
Mgr George Stack 1993 - 2001
Mgr Mark Langham 2001 - 2008
Fr Christopher Tuckwell
Will Fr Christopher, become Mgr Christopher Tuckwell??
Sorry to hear your news mgr, I was hoping you would remain in post long enough at least to see through the Cathedral rennovations. You certainly have done a good job and have managed to be both pastorally sensitive yet innovative in your duties having contributed to raising the profile and status of the cathedral.
Best wishes in whatever the future brings you and I hope your new post utilises your considerable talents.
Out of interest, is the administrator a black monsignor (i.e. do you loose the title when yo leave the administrtaor post)?
Fr Mark - Sorry to hear that you're leaving the Cathedral. I know that you've done a great deal to move the Cathedral forward and to secure its future; I'm sure that many future administrators will have reason to be thankful for your time in charge. I hope the sabbatical proves to be a restful time and leaves you ready to take on new challenges in the autumn. Best wishes to Fr Christopher; as you request, our prayers are with him.
While wishing you well, and with gratitude for the magnificent collection of pictures you have left us, will you suggest to Fr Tuckwell that he continue this blog?
Dear Fr Mark, you will be sorely missed. I wish you every blessing in your new post and hope that you will keep in touch.
Dear Fr Mark,
You will be much missed. I have found your celebrations of Mass deeply inspirational and a great help to me in arriving at my decision to seek admittance to the Roman Catholic Church.
Thank you - and for your entertaining and informative blog.
An Anglican on the road to Rome.
Perhaps you have been appointed the new Archbishop of Westminster?!? (wishful thinking though probably). Lol
Sorry to hear that you're leaving, but I would like to wish you every success for the future. And a warm welcome to Fr Christopher!
The news that Mgr. Mark Langham is leaving is a great shock. He has given us all so much - he takes with him the love and prayers of thousands.
We will support Father Christoher Tuckwell with the same lyalty and determination we gave to Father Mark.
Best wishes in your new post,Father-we'll miss you. Will Fr Tuckwell or Fr Wilton continue the blog? Please keep in touch and let us know where your new post is!
Grateful thanks for all you have done for both the fabric and the worship of our beloved cathedral. I note that Fr Tuckwell is the second Anglican convert to assume the administratorship, a distinction I believe he shares with the late Mgr (later Bishop) Gordon Wheeler.
Dear Fr. Mark:
We knew this day would come, but this does not lessen the tremendous sadness that accompanies it. Under your direction, many new and innovative things have happened in the life of the Cathedral--congratulations on a job well done.
As a foreigner, I always felt as if the cathedral was home, when I had occasion to stick my head in each summer--due in no small part to your smiling face and welcoming manner. I know you will be missed, by more folks than me. I wish you the very best and continue to keep you in my prayers for success and health wherever your new assignment takes you.
Fr Mark, I am very sorry to read your news as I have enjoyed your intellect and wit, not least through the medium of your blog. While you will be physicaly removed from our midst at Westminster Cathedral, I hope that we will at least be able to enjoy your company through the power of the worldwide web. Wishing you the very best for whatever you undertake in the future. My thoughts and prayers will always be with you.
There's a long list of Monsignori Administrators who went on to the episcopate in that list, so maybe Big Benny is not too wide of the mark (no pun intended).
The thoughts, prayers and good wishes of your readership go wtih you, Father
Thank you for these generous comments. I shall be in residence at the Cathedral until July - with some breaks - and so will continue the blog until then. After that ..
I strongly suspect that Fr Christopher will become a Monsignor, as all the other Administrators have been. The title does not lapse with the job.
You have done a marvellous job in your time at Westminster. The responsibility would be enough to exhaust a Trojan, yet alone someone who has been laid low by that awful and debilitating disease, shingles.
I shall miss your celebration of High Mass. The dignity and rightful sense of occasion you bring to it, proving that the Ordinary Form can be a thing of beauty when done properly. I shall miss your wonderful singing voice too, especially as it applies to the chants.
Fr Christopher is a good man, with a fantastic speaking voice, rich, resonant and authoritative; perhaps you could help him to achieve some degree of your expertise in the chants?
Msgr, I second another poster in thanking you for the wonderful photos you have posted of the cathedral. You have developed in me an appreciation of byzantine archicheture (sp?) with its emphasis on clear light. I hope that your health improves and you enjoy your next appointment. I trust that your next appointment will have a garden.
I will miss you occasional "thoughts for the day" at Radio 4
Many thanks to Fr. Mark for his wonderful blog.
It is sad he has to step down, but he must have time to recuperate from his debilitating illness.
He will not be leaving without taking with him many prayers an good wishes.
Dear Msgr Mark,
You have been an incredible ambassador for all, for that we thank you.
Is there any chance that you would publish a hardback book containing all the photos and your observations regarding the cathedral?
John London
Dear Msgr
I`m very sorry to hear that you are leaving. Very many thanks for your work. In the year that I have been in London I always try to go to the Cathedral when I can. I am always impressed by the scale and standard of all the activities that go on there.
May I wish you the best in your new post.
Dear Mgr, I thank you for your inspiration for us all - and I speak for many including the Guild of the Blessed Sacrament and servers. You will be missed.
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