Wednesday 21 March 2007

The Gospel of John

'A single man, every single word, an unforgettable experience' went the strap-line, but few who were present last evening at Brad Sherill's one-man presentation of the entire Gospel of John would have disagreed.

This was far more than an astonishing feat of memory. In the dramatic setting of the gloomy Cathedral, using minimal props, Mr Sherill brought this most simple yet profound of the Gospels to life, enfleshing its words in a way that parallels the opening phrases of the Gospel itself.

It is an astonishing experience to hear an entire Gospel, to be caught up in its drama and beauty, and (above all) to have a strong sense of the person of Jesus. In John's Gospel, especially, our Lord drives the action forward, and comes across as a commandingly divine, yet at the same time very human. The dialogues with the Pharisees and with Pilate were rendered exquisitely.
Mr Sherill has made this his life's work, touring the US and other countries, and performing in Cathedrals and Churches. His is an astonishing ministry, and you can learn about it (as well as the formthcoming dates of his England tour) on his website.


Anonymous said...

Thank you, Monsignor, for sharing this and for giving a testimonial about Sherill's presentation. I've heard about him, but was really unaware of the power of his delivery.

Too bad that he uses the NIV translation. But, at least, he does not use the wretched New American Bible which must be one of the worst (clumsy?) translations ever! (This is the version we use at Mass.) The US Bishops keep revising and updating the NAB to the point that much of the beauty and "punch" of the Scriptures has been watered down.

At the Cathedral, or in the UK, what translation do you use for the readings at Mass?

How thrilling it must have been to experience John's Gospel in the "gloomy Cathedral"! Wish I could have been there.

John the organist said...

It was astonishing and life changing see my blog for my reactions

Mark Langham said...

The translation was not my favourite, but, like any good actor, he managed to make it sound effective. In the UK we are authorised to use two translations: the RSV (a literal translation) and the Jerusalem Bible (a more collquial translation). In practice, however, the JB is almost exclusively used. I think I am right in saying that the long awaited revision of our lectionary will employ the New Jerusalem Bible - which is a more scholarly revision on the JB.

Anonymous said...

I would be interested to see some photographs etc of the early building work.Maybe you've already shared these with us?

Anonymous said...

I saw the Gospel of Mark presentation during Advent 2005 at the Cathedral... when are Matthew and Luke coming?

Both were amazing experiences... but will it be quite so cold at the Easter Vigil?

Mark Langham said...


Pictures of early building work are coming!

Anonymous said...

Many thanks,i look forward to these.