Sunday, 21 January 2007

Westminster Cathedral Choir School

This promotional video for Westminster Cathedral choir was made last year. There was a originally a proposal to offer it to a TV company as the first of a series of 'fly-on-the-wall' documentaries, but the School Governors felt that this was not an appropriate project to pursue.
The Cathedral Choir School was founded in 1904, along the lines of Anglican Cathedral establishments. Boys come to board at the school from the age of 7, and sing in the choir from age 8. There is no doubt that the standard of music required of them means that the choristers have to be resident at the Cathedral. Their dedication and expertise are an extraordinary example to the rest of the community.

The video offers a fascinating glimpse into this unique Catholic institution - one of the glories of Westminster Cathedral.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting this video. The choir is second to none - such an amazingly high standard .

Anonymous said...

Msgr. Thank you so much for posting this video. I was very impressed. Would it be possible for you to post a few photos of the organ console and also the bells of the campanile? As an organist who has a fascination with bells, I would be most appreciative.

Mark Langham said...

I have a post of the Grand Henry Willis III Organ planned (for which I shall need the technical asssiitance of one of the Music Department!) Thank you for the suggestion about the bells - I shall clamber up and look at the Bells. I know there is only one in the campanile - great Edward - but there are three over the southern transept.

Anonymous said...

Yes, please show the organ! Besides the console, it would be wonderful to see the pipes and any of the inner workings. (I am an organist in the U.S.)

In reference to your post about St Paul's Cathedral, I am reminded about Christopher Wren's famous comment about the organ. Apparently, the organ builder created an instrument that was too large for the organ case that Wren designed. In fury, Wren referred to the organ as that "confounded box of whistles".

Richard said...

Alas! Why was the video taken down?

Anonymous said...

Is there any chance of making the video available again? Having just attended the "chorister for a day" event with my son, it would be marvellous to be able to show the excellent video to my husband, who was not able to come with us.
Many thanks.

Mark Langham said...

Very sorry - there is a note at YouTube about 'Terms of Use Violation'. The programme was made by a Company for commercial purposes(to sell to TV), and it may be that the posting was unauthorised. I will make enquiries at the Choir school to see if any copies are available.

Richard said...

That would be wonderful if possible--happy to pay shipping, etc. etc.