Sunday 26 August 2007

Fair Quiet, I have Found Thee There ..

After weeks of rain, a warm and sunny day sent me up to the terrace to see how things were faring. 'Very well' is the answer. Although a few plants are starting to look tired (notably the petunias), there are developments in other areas.

The arrival of a new olive tree, gifted by a kind parishioner, must mean that I now officially have an olive grove.

Grouped around the table, the trees provide a breath of the Mediterranean, and welcome shade. m

The pomegranite bush is in full crimson flower - I wonder if I shall see any of its mythological fruit?

Most excitingly, the limes are coming on well - this picture makes them look a little larger than they are, but a week or two of sunshine would bring them to ripen.

The lemons, so crucial to garnish our aperitif of choice, are not doing so well - but there are one or two hopeful signs.

By the pond, the fuschia is having a glorious late summer fling.

It has been a difficult summer for the plants, with incessant rain, cool temperatures and rough winds. I find it extraordinary how nature carries through.

In this beautiful space, the glories of God's creation are sung less formally, but no less beautifully, than in the great Cathedral nearby.

1 comment:

Andrew Teather said...

Dear Father,
Your mention of the correct usage of the lemon reminded me of the one evangelical streak in my life, which concerns seagrams gin. I have been a Tanqueray man all my life, but was recently given a bottle of seagrams...I earnestly recommend that you drop a hint to one of your holy ladies and point them in the direction of Gerrys Liquor Store in Soho.